Kathleen and Holland.... |
Party Girls and a Soldier... |
All eight Party Girls... |
Kathleen with flowers from Tutu... |
A Soldier backstage... |
With Holland... |
Party Girls on stage.... |
Kathleen with Lucie and Bucky backstage after Sunday's performance! |
Kathleen and Holland.... |
Party Girls and a Soldier... |
All eight Party Girls... |
Kathleen with flowers from Tutu... |
A Soldier backstage... |
With Holland... |
Party Girls on stage.... |
Kathleen with Lucie and Bucky backstage after Sunday's performance! |
All of the girls... |
With Grandpa Bucky... |
At the Muppet movie... |
Chloe, Madison and Lucie... |
Chloe and Kathleen... |
Lucie and Chloe work on the gingerbread houses... |
Elizabeth and Kathleen show off their decorated house... |
Lucie displays Chloe's creation... |
Here is Madison with her fabulous gingerbread house... |
Three lovely (and delicious) houses... |
The girls doing art on the porch... |
Girls laughing over videos on the computer! |
The Darby family... |
Kathleen, Grace and Lucie... |
Tutu and Kathleen... |
Tutu and Lucie... |
The table by Barb.... |
Canham (17) and Hamer (20)... |
Grace and Lucie... |
Lucile with Lucile's luminary... |
Honoring Bill and Dux Lucas.... |
Cousins Grace and Lucie were there to remember loved ones... |
A large presence.... |
Victoria Schwab signing her book, The Near Witch. |
Lucie and the author. |
Sarah Rees Brennan (The Demon's Lexicon) demonstrating how she stood on a bridge railing on a London bridge to get a better view and all the bystanders thought she was trying to commit suicide. |
Beth Revis (Across the Universe) signing Lucie's copy. |
Kaleb Nation (Kaleb's Nation) with a note to Lucie's cousin Grace after signing her copy of his book. |
Sisters! |
On the ferris wheel. |
Duncan having recovered from the event taking a walk on boardwalk at Shem Creek. |
Barre work on Tuesday... |
With Ella and Alexi... |
On pointe on Wednesday... |
Marking with Jonathan, Sarah, Grace and Jacy... |
On the move on pointe on Thursday... |
Pointers from Ms. Patty... |
More barre on Friday... |
Practice makes perfect! |